James-Otis Rodner


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Practicing Attorney. Law Degree (Venezuela 1967), J.D. (1970), M.B.A. (1972), Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA), Specialist in Political Economy (1992), Masters in Economics (1994), Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (Caracas). Member of the Caracas Bar (Federal District Bar), admitted to practice in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (www.massbbo.org), and in the District of Columbia Court of Appeals, as well as at the Supreme Court of the United States. Member of the Massachusetts Bar association, D.C. Bar Association, American Bar association, American Economic Association (AEA).

Founding Partner, Rodner, Martínez & Asociados, Caracas, Venezuela (www.rodnermartinez.com). Member of the International Court of Arbitration, International Chamber of Commerce (Paris, France) (www.iccwbo.org) 1992-2012. Member (Individuo de Número), the Academy of Social and Political Science, Venezuela (www.acienpoli.com) Chair No. 22. Founding member of the Venezuelan Association of Private Law. International Arbitrator. Member of the International Arbitration Institute (www.iaiparis.com). Member of Global Lawyers and Physicians’ Advisory Board (Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.). Active member of the Venezuelan Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce. From 1983 to 1989, Principal Director of the Caracas Chamber of Commerce (Caracas, Venezuela) (www.lacamaradecaracas.org.ve). Honorary Consul for Ireland (2010-2014). Arbitrator for CEDCA (Caracas).

From 1972 to 1991, professor at the Institute for Administrative Studies in Caracas (IESA), in Financial Law and Planning (1972 to 1980) and International Finance (1978 to 1991). Also at IESA, from 1972 up to 1992, teacher for special courses on Capital Markets and Corporate Finance. From 1973 until 1982, professor of Obligations (Contracts and Torts) at the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (Caracas), and from 1972 until 2002, professor of Theory of Interest at the Graduate School of Economics at the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (Caracas), and Monetary Policy, also at the Graduate School of Economics, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello.

Languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese.

Has published more than 58 articles in reviews in Venezuela, Holland, Britain, France, United States, South Korea and India. The articles include studies on the law of torts, contracts, International Commercial Law, Uniform Laws, derivatives, International Arbitration and Mediation, the setting aside of arbitral awards, set-off and others. Also includes article on finance and international economics.

He has also published 20 books on different aspects of the law of contracts and obligations, including a recent book on First Demand Guarantees and Stand By letters of Credit, Documentary Credits, Legal Study of Money, International Finance, International Investments, Assignment of Contracts, Linked Contracts and Globalization and the Law.